Pokoj 1

Kapacita: 5 - 6 osob

120 m2. Více informací od poskytovatele: Calm location on southern village limits, near Crestas lift, with unobstructed view of the Alps. A few minutes walk to the village centre. Comfortable 3-storey corner house, huge sun deck, surrounded by greenery, children's playground. Superbly appointed with microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, tumbler, open fireplace, satellite/cable TV, separate kitchen living room, bathtub, shower cubicle, etc. Internet connection. Linens, bath and kitchen towels: CHF 18.00 per person.

Aktuální termíny

možné obsazení pokoje: 5 osob, 6 osob

Termíny a ceny za osobu při obsazení pokoje 6 osobami

možné délky pobytu: 3 noci, 4 noci, 7 nocí

Strava: bez stravy

22.12.24 (ne) - 25.12.24 (st)3 nocibez stravy6 osob6.403,- Kč
6.696,- Kč
13.4.25 (ne) - 16.4.25 (st)3 nocibez stravy6 osob3.091,- Kč
3.384,- Kč